Free fall

Concorrente di caduta libera che indossa un papillon Graffeo Cravatte
The game show Caduta libera hosted by Gerry Scotti and broadcast on Canale 5, chose us!
The program is a general knowledge quiz in which contestants challenge each other by answering questions. The central contestant, who initially has 3 lives, chooses an opponent for each challenge. If the central contestant does not know an answer, he can pass the question to the opponent, who must answer. If the challenger guesses correctly, he steals a life from the champion. The contestant who has no more lives falls through a trap door.
In each episode a competitor is at the center of a platform, above a trapdoor ready to open and "welcome" him at the first wrong answer. Against him ten challengers, positioned on ten identical trapdoors. The competitor, from time to time, chooses an opponent to challenge and must overcome a series of duels based on questions.

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